We live in an age where religion means nothing for many. Recently I met a family where a young man went away when he saw me. When he was asked to stay back he said “ I had enough of religion and priests”. Another young man said religion is not for us young people. And a mother complained “My daughter when she reached sixteen she said I don’t come to church. It’s boring.” My dear brothers and sisters the reason why I am sharing these is that this is a serious problem. We don’t see many young people in the churches. They don’t seem to enjoy the masses and prayers as much as they enjoy parties, beeches and holiday resorts. This is the problem the church is facing, the parents are facing today. The real challenge is to bring this young people to the church.
Often young people say religion is not for us. We don’t see any meaning in it and it is not real. When we hear this we usually condemn them saying that they are caught up in the world and they have no faith or fear of God. It is easy to blame them and leave them to go their own way. This is what most of the parents do. But for the young Religion looks irrelevant and away from reality. They say religion is an escape from reality. It is like Peter on the mountain where he was so excited. He liked it. Forgot about everything. And he said “Lord ! we will stay here. We pitch our tents and stay here.”
But the reality down the mountain is different. Jesus refers to it before he came up the mountain. There is a plot going on to capture the innocent, accuse him, judge him and finally kill him. Peter and others know about it. But Peter does not want to accept it. For him basking in the glory of the mountain is more comfortable than the reality of pain and suffering.
There is a vast difference between Jesus on the mountain and Jesus on the cross. The very purpose of Incarnation is to be Jesus on the cross not to be Jesus on the mountain. Jesus on the cross is more human and more real. His inability to say a word when falsely accused by a band of pre arranged false-witnesses. Innocently carrying a heavy burden as a youth where he was suppose to enjoy life. Pathetically abandoned by all whom he trusted and believed in as friends. Weak and desperate to accept the help and sympathy of Simon of Cyrene and Veronica. Feeling thirsty and hungry and crying out “I am thirsty” in pain. Or the other way Jesus who supplied wine to a wedding party to enjoy. Always had joy in socialising with the so called sinners. And even up to the point of being called as drunkard. Jesus who allowed women to accompany him and help him in ministry. Is he not the real Jesus our children can understand. Are these not the experiences our children have every day. Now, Is he the same Jesus we talk about with our Children everyday. Or is he different one.
The one who has to be kept on the high pedestal. Christ the king high on the pillar. Before whom you should genuflect, bow you head and should not giggle or laugh. Say long prayers everyday.
All is fine till the age of 14 or 15, because they have no clear perception of the world around them till that age. Once they reach that age they see vast difference between what we say and what they experience around them.
There is a dichotomy between the religion or Jesus presented and the reality around. For most of the young boys Jesus is too perfect to imitate or too difficult to make friendship with.
Jesus who walked on water, changed water into wine, multiplied loaves, touched and healed many with a word. A miraculous man.
Peter was fascinated with the Jesus of this type and always he wanted Jesus to be that. But Jesus said let us go down the mountain. It is there the real life is and the real mission is. Peter wants to escape from the reality but Jesus brings him down to reality.
This is challenge facing the church today.
You as a father or a mother how can you make Jesus real to your teenage son or daughter who is bullied and taunted like Jesus every day?
How can you make Jesus real to your daughter or son who cannot get a job even though they are well qualified because they do not have recommendations or support?
How can you make Jesus meaningful to a daughter who is divorced and forced to live alone with the child in this world of competition and exploitation?
How can you make Jesus real to your grandson who is abandoned by both the parents and kept in social care home?
The examples I have used or the words I used may be wrong. But the need is real. We need to bring Jesus down the mountain to make sense to these people. This is our task as priests and parents. If we don’t do this remember the future of the church is in danger.
1 comment:
Sorry I don't deal with money. Talk to me if you want to know anything about God and religion. God bless you!
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